Thursday, July 31, 2014
One-Day Sale
For Friday, August 1, 2014 only, The Supreme Moment will be available to download for FREE from It is also available for download for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Spring Sale
The Supreme Moment will be on sale for $0.99 from now until Fri, May 2, 2014 in all Amazon stores, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Smashwords.
For readers in the UK, Old Souls Book One will be on sale for $0.99 in the Amazon UK store from now until Thurs, May 1, 2014.
For readers in the UK, Old Souls Book One will be on sale for $0.99 in the Amazon UK store from now until Thurs, May 1, 2014.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Old Souls Sale
The ebook of my novel Old Souls will be on sale for $0.99 on starting on March 29, 2014 through 8 AM on March 31, 2014 if anyone is interested.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Smashwords ebook Sale
For the week of March 2-8 the ebook for my novel The Supreme Moment will be on sale for 50% off the list price at Use the following coupon code at checkout: REW50
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Editing: Why Your Brain Can Be Your Own Worst Enemy
We've all been there before. Whether it's a beta reader, ARC reviewer, or even friends and family, someone has undoubtedly pointed out a typo or missing word in your novel. No matter how many hours, days, weeks, or even months you or your editor spent slaving over your manuscript, it's almost a natural law of the universe that you will have missed at least one. It's a typo you must have read over perhaps even hundreds of times and never saw it, but now that you know it's there, it's so glaringly obvious that you wonder if you might be going blind after all. Even traditionally published books have them
The culprit? Working too late/long, too many distractions? Maybe, but the suspect at the top of the list is your own brain. Your brain has a natural tendancy to fill in the blanks when you're reading. If a word is missing such as "the," "of," or "and," you will read it as if it's there. As for misspellings, especially of simple words, as long as the 1st and last letters of the intended word are spelled correctly, then you will see/read the word as if it were correct. Don't believe me? Here's an example paragraph that demonstrates this annoying phenomenon:
It's the same reason why you can read a word that has been split for formatting purposes at the end of a sentence without slowing you down in the least. So don't despair! Just remember - your brain was just made to work that way, and if you publish with a POD distributor, Kindle, Apple, or Smashwords, you can always submit a corrected file...
Until next week!
The culprit? Working too late/long, too many distractions? Maybe, but the suspect at the top of the list is your own brain. Your brain has a natural tendancy to fill in the blanks when you're reading. If a word is missing such as "the," "of," or "and," you will read it as if it's there. As for misspellings, especially of simple words, as long as the 1st and last letters of the intended word are spelled correctly, then you will see/read the word as if it were correct. Don't believe me? Here's an example paragraph that demonstrates this annoying phenomenon:
"I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt!" - anonymous
It's the same reason why you can read a word that has been split for formatting purposes at the end of a sentence without slowing you down in the least. So don't despair! Just remember - your brain was just made to work that way, and if you publish with a POD distributor, Kindle, Apple, or Smashwords, you can always submit a corrected file...
Until next week!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Sock Puppets and Disappearing Amazon Reviews
It wasn't until I experienced firsthand the phenomenon of the "disappearing Amazon reviews" that I became aware of the term "sock puppet." Just a couple of weeks after I published The Supreme Moment, I checked its Amazon listing page, and lo and behold, where there had been ten reviews, now there was only one! Distressed, but mostly puzzled, I emailed Amazon Support and received what amounted to a form letter response stating that the reviews had violated their Terms of Service, and that was the end of it. There was also a suggestion that the reviewers could address the problem and re-submit the review. However, a subsequent email sent to Amazon for more information resulted in a response saying Amazon couldn't tell me exactly what was wrong with the reviews because I wasn't the one who wrote them.
Now, the majority of the removed reviews were ARC reviews, so I was able to ask them to re-submit. But, as they haven't reappeared by the time of this post, I don't think they were accepted this time either. Two of the reviews were from paying customers of the ebook, so there was no way I would ever bother complete strangers about this.
Wondering if others had experienced this, I hit Google - and was somewhat relieved and alarmed by all the results my search found. After doing quite a bit of reading, I discovered that what had happened to my reviews was the result of Amazon's attempt to weed out what are known as "sock puppets." Apparently, there was a big stink over them a few years ago when it was revealed that a well-known author had purchased hundreds of his reviews from a company whose employees would write gushing 5-star reviews without ever having read the books, creating customer accounts specifically for this practice. This put Amazon under an unflattering spotlight, so a new algorithm was implemented to find and delete any review it suspected as not being legit. Unfortunately, it had the unintended consequence of deleting a lot of genuine reviews as well (Too bad none of the 1-star troll reviews were removed. I guess a troll must be higher on the totem pole than a sock puppet.). This removal of legit reviews has happened to both indie authors and traditionally published authors, but it's the indie author that's been hurt the most by this. After all, what does Stephen King care if one or two of his tens of thousands of reviews have disappeared? Here is an excellent article from The Guardian that explains more about the practice in more detail.
As for my own deleted reviews, several factors may have caused them to be targeted by Amazon's algorithm. Some people claim that if certain key words are used like the author's name, "wow," or multiple instances of other book titles by the same author, then the review will be deleted. Others say that it has to do with your ISP number, like if several people review from your general area. It's possible this is what happened to me as most of the reviews removed were ARC reviews from people in area book clubs that were given a free ebook in exchange for an honest review. Some of them probably didn't state this disclaimer appropriately in the review - a double strike to the search algorithm if the above criteria I mentioned is indeed accurate. Who knows why the paying customer reviews were removed, but I do remember that they weren't long; one was a 5-star and the other 4. Your guess is as good as mine.
I haven't received any other reviews since, and I really hope it's just because no one has written any. I need as many reviews as I can get since a lot of the advertising services such as BookBub won't consider your book unless you have a certain amount of 4- and 5-star reviews. Plus, I was actually looking forward to finding out what readers thought about the book, what they enjoyed, and what they thought I did wrong/didn't like, etc.
So reviewers, the best advice after learning all this I can give is to state very clearly if the book you're reviewing is an ARC or if you received it as a Read & Review deal in exchange for an honest review. I would love to hear any stories or opinions about this troubling practice in the comments below.
Until next week!
Now, the majority of the removed reviews were ARC reviews, so I was able to ask them to re-submit. But, as they haven't reappeared by the time of this post, I don't think they were accepted this time either. Two of the reviews were from paying customers of the ebook, so there was no way I would ever bother complete strangers about this.
Wondering if others had experienced this, I hit Google - and was somewhat relieved and alarmed by all the results my search found. After doing quite a bit of reading, I discovered that what had happened to my reviews was the result of Amazon's attempt to weed out what are known as "sock puppets." Apparently, there was a big stink over them a few years ago when it was revealed that a well-known author had purchased hundreds of his reviews from a company whose employees would write gushing 5-star reviews without ever having read the books, creating customer accounts specifically for this practice. This put Amazon under an unflattering spotlight, so a new algorithm was implemented to find and delete any review it suspected as not being legit. Unfortunately, it had the unintended consequence of deleting a lot of genuine reviews as well (Too bad none of the 1-star troll reviews were removed. I guess a troll must be higher on the totem pole than a sock puppet.). This removal of legit reviews has happened to both indie authors and traditionally published authors, but it's the indie author that's been hurt the most by this. After all, what does Stephen King care if one or two of his tens of thousands of reviews have disappeared? Here is an excellent article from The Guardian that explains more about the practice in more detail.
As for my own deleted reviews, several factors may have caused them to be targeted by Amazon's algorithm. Some people claim that if certain key words are used like the author's name, "wow," or multiple instances of other book titles by the same author, then the review will be deleted. Others say that it has to do with your ISP number, like if several people review from your general area. It's possible this is what happened to me as most of the reviews removed were ARC reviews from people in area book clubs that were given a free ebook in exchange for an honest review. Some of them probably didn't state this disclaimer appropriately in the review - a double strike to the search algorithm if the above criteria I mentioned is indeed accurate. Who knows why the paying customer reviews were removed, but I do remember that they weren't long; one was a 5-star and the other 4. Your guess is as good as mine.
I haven't received any other reviews since, and I really hope it's just because no one has written any. I need as many reviews as I can get since a lot of the advertising services such as BookBub won't consider your book unless you have a certain amount of 4- and 5-star reviews. Plus, I was actually looking forward to finding out what readers thought about the book, what they enjoyed, and what they thought I did wrong/didn't like, etc.
So reviewers, the best advice after learning all this I can give is to state very clearly if the book you're reviewing is an ARC or if you received it as a Read & Review deal in exchange for an honest review. I would love to hear any stories or opinions about this troubling practice in the comments below.
Until next week!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Observations of a Goodreads Giveaway From a Newbie Indie Author
Today marks a month since my first post. As a newbie indie author, these past few weeks since my first novel went live have really been eye-opening. I guess the most important thing I learned was that I didn't know squat about the independent publishing market. I've been an avid reader all my life, but I barely found out about Goodreads only a few months ago. Without Goodreads, I would probably still be floundering around as far as marketing my novel goes with a more or less hit-or-miss ad-buying strategy. Through the various Goodreads groups I joined, I found a wealth of marketing tips as well as the opportunity to offer my book to not only reviewers, but also as a First Reads Giveaway. My first giveaway of 10 books just ended today, and I have to say that I'm pleased with the amount of interest it generated (nearly 1000 entries!), and half of the people who entered added the book to their "to-read" shelves. Of course, my book could easily be lost among the several hundred most people have in that particular shelf, but at the moment, I'm happy to have gotten so many eyeballs with at least a passing interest on my book. After all, every author's worst nightmare is that no one will like what they've written. If even 1% of those decide to buy my book and then review, then I consider ponying up around $100 for books/postage (I had 4 international winners) a good investment. Although I hope all 10 winners will read and review my book, realistically, I'm hoping to get at least 3 or 4 reviews out of the deal. I've already seen a small bump in sales today, so there's at least that.
For any newbie indie authors or prospective authors, here's an observation about the selection process for the giveaway winners based on my outcome. 7 out of 10 winners were people who had entered the contest in the last 20 minutes. 5 of those had barely joined Goodreads in the past 6 months and 2 within a year-year & 1/2. Only three people had entered the giveaway long before its conclusion, and 3 out of the 10 had won a book before. Based on that minimal data, it would seem the selection algorithms favor newbies, especially the ones that enter at the last minute, and to a lesser extent, previous winners so long as they bothered to review their previous wins. I also looked at three other winner pools for giveaways that had just ended, each with either 1 or 2 winners, and every single winner had entered their giveaways within the last 30 minutes of the giveaway. Of course, today's results could've been a fluke, so I plan on running another giveaway soon for a new novel I am about to hopefully publish in a couple of weeks as well as a second giveaway for The Supreme Moment sometime after that. I'll let everyone know my findings in a later blog post.
Next week: Sock Puppets and Disappearing Amazon Reviews
For any newbie indie authors or prospective authors, here's an observation about the selection process for the giveaway winners based on my outcome. 7 out of 10 winners were people who had entered the contest in the last 20 minutes. 5 of those had barely joined Goodreads in the past 6 months and 2 within a year-year & 1/2. Only three people had entered the giveaway long before its conclusion, and 3 out of the 10 had won a book before. Based on that minimal data, it would seem the selection algorithms favor newbies, especially the ones that enter at the last minute, and to a lesser extent, previous winners so long as they bothered to review their previous wins. I also looked at three other winner pools for giveaways that had just ended, each with either 1 or 2 winners, and every single winner had entered their giveaways within the last 30 minutes of the giveaway. Of course, today's results could've been a fluke, so I plan on running another giveaway soon for a new novel I am about to hopefully publish in a couple of weeks as well as a second giveaway for The Supreme Moment sometime after that. I'll let everyone know my findings in a later blog post.
Next week: Sock Puppets and Disappearing Amazon Reviews
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Paperback and eBook Versions Now for Sell
Both the paperback and Kindle versions of The Supreme Moment are now available at as well as the versions for iBooks, Nook and Sony Reader at Here are the links:
Smashwords (iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, PDF)
Amazon UK
Amazon Canada
Amazon Australia
Amazon France
Amazon Germany
Amazon Japan
Amazon Italy
Amazon India
Amazon Spain
Amazon Mexico
Amazon Brazil
Barnes & Noble
The Book Depository
Smashwords (iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, PDF)
Amazon UK
Amazon Canada
Amazon Australia
Amazon France
Amazon Germany
Amazon Japan
Amazon Italy
Amazon India
Amazon Spain
Amazon Mexico
Amazon Brazil
Barnes & Noble
The Book Depository
Friday, January 3, 2014
Debut Novel: The Supreme Moment (A Fractured Multiverse Novel)
Hi everyone,
I've always been interested in novels that are part of an underlining mythos or world in which several different trilogies or series are set such as Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar novels, Terry Brooks's Shannara novels, and Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover novels to name a few. I also love crossovers, even if it's merely a cameo. With that in my mind, I set out to create my own underling mythos in which I could set a series of standalone young adult fantasy novels and various trilogies and duologies that could either be read successively as they are published or cherry-picked according to interest. The point is that you will be able to read each novel or series without having had to read any previous novels, and it won't affect your understanding of the stories. However, the plot of each story will be a consequence of the events in my flagship novel, The Supreme Moment, and several of its characters will appear in cameos in novels down the line.
The Supreme Moment is a YA Urban Fantasy set in the fictitious Texas coastal city of Tempus Port...
I've always been interested in novels that are part of an underlining mythos or world in which several different trilogies or series are set such as Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar novels, Terry Brooks's Shannara novels, and Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover novels to name a few. I also love crossovers, even if it's merely a cameo. With that in my mind, I set out to create my own underling mythos in which I could set a series of standalone young adult fantasy novels and various trilogies and duologies that could either be read successively as they are published or cherry-picked according to interest. The point is that you will be able to read each novel or series without having had to read any previous novels, and it won't affect your understanding of the stories. However, the plot of each story will be a consequence of the events in my flagship novel, The Supreme Moment, and several of its characters will appear in cameos in novels down the line.
The Supreme Moment is a YA Urban Fantasy set in the fictitious Texas coastal city of Tempus Port...
The moment a bunch of men with guns kicked down the doors of
her house, eighteen-year-old Avery Morgan knew her estranged father’s gambling
addiction had finally caught up to her family in the worst way. A crime
syndicate has come for her little sister, Ella, and with only a handgun to hold
nearly a dozen well-armed men at bay, Avery is on the brink of doing something
unspeakable when she is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Darrien Stathos, a
business mogul whose true persona is rumored to be that of the lord of the
criminal underworld known as Kairos. Darrien announces that he is also there to
collect on a contract with Avery’s father—for Avery. Forced to choose between
her family’s lives or her freedom, Avery willingly gives herself to Kairos.
As she struggles to come to terms with the idea that she is
now the property of a crime lord, several disturbing observations about
Darrien’s eyes and the frightening, inexplicable ways he stopped a couple of
would-be assassins make Avery rethink her initial dismissal of some of the more
outlandish gossip she had heard that questioned his humanity. Add to that the
constant harassment of two FBI agents that are convinced she is the key to
finally bringing down the crime lord, Kairos, and learning a disturbing and dangerous
truth about herself, and Avery is ready to break.
Little do any of them know that the truth of Darrien’s
identity is something that will shake the very foundation of their
understanding of reality.
The novel will be available for purchase in paperback on Amazon and on ebook for Kindle, Nook, and Smashwords for all other formats within the next two weeks. As soon as I have a definitive publication date, I'll post all relevant info and links.
Thanks for reading all my rambling, and I hope everyone who decides to give my novel a read enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I'm already hard at work on the next Fractured Multiverse novel, entitled Black Crimson that I hope to have out by March.
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